Monday 17 April 2017

Adventures in PND!

I definitely chose the wrong time to start a blog.

I had such good intentions when I started maternity leave. I was going to become a domestic goddess. I was going to learn French. I was going to learn Irish Sign Language. I was going to get creative – make things, write. Edit essays, books. Get back into photography. Start a blog!

Instead, I watched mostly everything on Netflix and played a massive amount of Farmville.

I also got pretty depressed and anxious.

My baby is wonderful. He's chilled out and very easy to take care of. The amount of love I have for him sometimes scares me a bit.

This still didn't stop the PND from creeping up on me, though. Luckily my doctor recognised the symptoms and put me on medication, which has helped enormously.

I want to start this blog to chronicle my experience of motherhood and PND. With perhaps a few silly bits thrown in, too. Oscar is nine months old now and while the PND is still lurking around, I feel a bit more in control of my feelings and emotions. Certainly enough to start rambling about it all on here.

I'm going back to work in two weeks' time – as I said, wrong time to start a blog! – so maybe I will keep this up, maybe not.


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